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Lily Love

Lily Love

Lily Love


Lily Love  ~ 12 x 12 mixed media on canvas panel ~ Click Here to View

A Lily. Gotta love Her elegance and beauty representing ‘innocence’.

Consider the lilies and how they grow: they toil not, they spin not.

A line in the bible.

It’s my understanding that in the depth of every heart are innocence and purity. It’s the core of every being. We don’t have to ‘toil’ for this innocence.

Each one of us is tasked with exchanging guilt for innocence and corruption for purity.

Every life has both sides of the coin and it’s each person’s responsibility to walk ourselves home to our heart of purity.

Many have done this and if one person can do a thing, anyone can do that thing.

The Lily is also associated with Divine Mother. Thus, if you’re interested in getting to know and feel the feminine aspect of the Source of Life, Lillies could support that.

As I’ve been saying for a while now, imagery connects to our Soul activating latent qualities in us.

Qualities associated with our Sacred Self.

This art piece (above) is a single Lily because…all it takes is one :). Enjoy Her.

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In Creative Love & Wholeness,

Lily Love

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