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One is All

One is All

One is All


One is All ~ 10 x 14 on Canvas Panel ~ Mixed Media Original

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We got into an old red pickup truck each with an ice cream cone. It was the middle of summer in Guadalajara Mexico and this was our best way of cooling off. As I was slipping into the passenger seat, I looked up at Gene and he said, “Don’t you want to know the Truth?”

This was one of those moments in time that will be forever remembered. Details are a little sketchy but I’ll never forget that question. It opened something deep in my soul that seemed important. I remember thinking that I didn’t even know what the question meant. I’m not even sure if I offered a response, but here’s what happened next and it should be noted that there was only a ‘something that happened next’ because he was a cute boy, I respected him, and wanted to know what he was discovering. 

By the way, the ice cream was delicious and ice cream isn’t my favorite treat, I don’t even like it anymore which is a bombshell for most when I reveal this tidbit!


Back at Gene’s cute little Mexican casita, I looked at the books he had stacked on his bedside table as a place to start. The only one that registered was a book by Krishnamurti entitled “Think on These Things”. When I returned home to the states I promptly went to the bookstore and bought this book. That was in the days when there were plenty of good bookstores.


I found the book in either the philosophy or spirituality section, the smallest section in the bookstore, if you blink, you’d miss it. I read the entire book and didn’t understand half of it, but it piqued my curiosity and I wanted to know more. So for the next twenty-five years, I’d go back to bookstores and another book would get my attention that would just happen to be the perfect next step on my path, I’d read it and my consciousness would open just a little more. 


I was only 20 years old on that ice-cream-and–red-truck day, that was 40+ years ago, and a lot has unfolded. Funny how one moment in time can be so pivotal. When people ask, I recommend books that are easier to digest than a Krishnamurti book even though I’ll love that book forever because it was “my first”. 


Books were my best teachers until I found humans that were teaching Spirituality and the Principles of Life. 


One of those principles is, “All is One” or “One is All”. The artwork here is in honor of that. I used to think there were plenty of things I didn’t want to be ‘one with’, but that was my human mind which is always judging. 

My heart, connected to my Higher Self sees wholeness and oneness easier. And with Grace. Including her (my heart) in my moments teaches me about the Oneness of All.


In Creative Love and Wholeness,

One is All

P.s. I still read books like a madwoman 🙂

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