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Sacred Healing Principles # 5 & #6


Sacred Healing Principle #5 –  The expression of Love is life, light, poise, joy, creativity, and beauty. You are this. The essence of God is Love and the expression of God is beauty, creativity, joy, poise, light, love, and life. You can’t not be this. The only caveat is if you’re allowing it.

Sacred Healing Principle #6 – In truth, there is nothing to ‘heal’, but only Love to reveal. Because you already are Love, life, light, poise, joy, creativity, and beauty, at the level of Spirit, there is nothing to heal. Your thoughts, beliefs, and patterns, are simply veils or window tinting that simply need removing. Once removed, Love is revealed. That which out-pictures in your life is an exact reflection of that which is in the field of your mind. Your mind is designed to be guided, and purified by the mind of Infinite Intelligence, or SuperConscious, or Source Mind.

Life works when this awareness, acceptance, guidance, purification, and alignment are allowed. Only you can allow it. Creativity is a gateway to Spirit. Only the lower mind says, “I can’t”.

“To practice any creativity, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.” ~Kurt Vonnegut

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