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Sacred Health Principles 9 and 10

9. Each Soul expressing in human form must choose her true identity as Spirit. A mind is either ‘identified’ with a fear-based illusion or with love. Her life then reflects the sum of her choice. In any given moment we choose love or fear. It’s one or the other, and can’t be both. Fear has a myriad of cohorts (see Fear/Love list) In Truth, YOU are your I AM Presence and connected to Spirit. That is your true ‘identity’. The Universe is infinitely patient for your return to Love, AND while there is no rush, neither is there time to waste. In Truth, you’re already home.

10. Pivoting to Truth rewires the brain and freedom ensues. There can be no true and permanent healing without a pivot to Truth and return to Love. This is the meaning of True Alchemy. The Gold is Love. And YOU are the gold. The base metal transmutes into Gold. Your lower mind transmutes into Truth. One breath, one thought, one pocket of fear, one worry, one devastation, one skepticism at a time.

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