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The 12 Code of Principles for Sacred Healing

We’re talking about the last two today…

11. Health, Empowerment, Abundance, and Love are natural expressions of a mind aligned with Truth, Spirit, and Love. While we’ve referenced that there is really nothing to heal, only to reveal. When we ‘heal’ the error of thoughts and beliefs, by returning them to love in a compassionate and loving way, what is revealed is our true nature of Health, Empowerment, Abundance, and Love. Empowerment is the opposite of ego-driven power. Spirit-infused empowerment is joyful, ease-filled, peaceful, poised, playful, plentiful, abundant, creative, compassionate, confident, and loving.

12. Returning your mind to Love is what you are here for. Poise and non-resistance are expressions of Love, while resistance and control are expressions of fear. True power lives in Love. There is magic and genius in ‘courage’ (a word that has its root in the French word for Heart). Your heart is gorgeous and filled with light. Thank you for blessing and expanding Love with its beauty. Your Heart is a Portal to Divine Love. Your Heart is your very own Sacred Altar.

Everything you think you want is nothing more than a return to love.

How about we cut to the chase?!

You. Can. Do. It.

You are ready.

Your time is now.

How do I know?

You wouldn’t be reading these words unless you could do it, and were ready. It’s good to have companions on the path home.

Check out the Sacred Health Academy to take your journey deeper and further:

See you in class!

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