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Ancient Wisdom

Ancient Wisdom

The connectedness Life teaches us…


Discovering Wholeness Three  ~ 12 x 12 mixed media on canvas panel ~ Click Here to View

For years I bristled when I’d hear “we are all one” or “everything is connected”. Especially if I was watching something or someone I didn’t like or agree with. Like, someone being mean or abusive. Various world affairs. You get the idea. I’d think to myself, “I’m not one with THAT!”

In my journey of discovering wholeness, which only Life/Light/Love can teach me, I realized that there’s another side of that coin. That while that thing is happening, it’s not the whole picture or truth.

Consciousness has many choices (many call that free will), we can make choices aligned with Life/Light/Love, or not. When we don’t it’s not serving. Everybody gets to choose. I finally realized that because another is making a choice I wouldn’t, my judging of it gives it more life force. My work is to reconnect to Higher Wisdom because THAT’S where the oneness lives. It’s in that connection to Life/Light/Love, the Universe, Source, Spirit (whatever you choose to call it, but call if we must 🙂 where oneness is accessed.

Conscious choice for oneness is a healing force. It increases wholeness expanding it throughout the field, “the field” is the entire fabric of the Universe, constantly flowing in, through, and around every cell of your being. We can’t be separate from this field. This field is Intelligent, Whole, Abundant, and Good.

Our only job is to remember to connect to it. Not always easy with the endless distractions.

What if art helps us remember? What if color, image, and symbols are abstract patterns of deep memory? I have found that to be true. Especially when said art is created with this intention.

Discovering Wholeness Three  is an artwork with imagery of connection and crossing paths that serves as a reminder to include our Higher Presence as often as possible to feel and know the oneness that permeates every particle of Life.

Knowing how to choose a work of art according to your Higher Truth is a newer thing. But it’s definitely a ‘thing’. You can learn “How to Choose Art” on my website… then scroll down to the bottom.


I hope to see you in the studio!

Ancient Wisdom 

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