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The "Field" is Infinite Possiblity

The "Field" is Infinite Possiblity

The “Field” is Infinite Possiblity

Infinite Possibility  ~ 12 x 12 mixed media on canvas panel ~ Click Here to View


What does that even mean ‘infinite possibility’?

We talked recently about how the entire Quantum Field is made up of particles and waves. This is a field of intelligence. A field that has your back. A field of beauty and goodness. A field that takes our intentions and molds them into form.

What’s our job in all this?

We have the easy part, YET we tend to distort the field by filtering clear energy through our false beliefs (like being unworthy, judgement etc.) which makes our job seem hard.

Our part is to be clear with our intention and keep a clear focus of this intention, even in the face of its opposite. For example, if we are sick, we want health. Seems simple enough right? The hard part is directing our focus to health in the experience of not-health. Most humans are really, really good at observing what’s happening. But that’s energy that’s already created and has arrived in form. Our part is to notice what we have and choose what we’d prefer.

The menu available from the Universe is infinite. But it’s not always easy to see that when something we don’t want is taking up the whole of our view.

Like all of the art I create, one of my intentions is that the pieces serve as reminders. That the colors, shapes, and images, embedded with intention, activate your mind and heart to see beyond what’s already here. Into the menu of infinite possibility. We’re all playing with this individually and collectively.

It’s important to be clear isn’t it?

We don’t go to a restaurant and say to the waiter, oh just bring whatever. Not when there are choices with clear frontrunners based on our likes, dislikes, preferred tastes, mood etc. We usually choose what we want from the menu.

It’s the same with the field of infinite possibility. Get clear and choose. Then hold that energy until the waves have coalesced into particles that arrive as your intention in form.

In playing ‘in the field’, can you guess what our biggest shortcoming is?

Going back and forth from what’s in our face to what we want. Back and forth. It’s hard not to because what is, is IN OUR FACE 🙂

Yet, this neutralizes the energy and causes no small amount of frustration for us. It takes practice. It’s a worthy practice. Somedays I’m better at it than other days. I love visual reminders such as art and journals, and the creative process that keep me on track and connected to my intention. It really does work.

Check out our education page for ways to support your intentions, you can click HERE.


In Creative Love & Beauty,

The "Field" is Infinite Possiblity

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