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The Healing Light in Art

The Healing Light in Art

The Healing Light in Art

Deep Sea Dive  ~ 12 x 12 mixed media on canvas panel ~ Click Here to View

When quantum physicists talk about “light” they mean the Life Force that makes up the entire Universe. So, Light is a big deal. It can be a wave (unseen), or particle (form), but it’s all Light.

As the Impressionists were forging their path away from Realism, they used “light” and “suggestion” in contrast to the dark hues and realistic representation of the realism era. In my world view, the forces of Light made themselves known through artists and art and people called it Impressionism. I believe the same thing is happening today. What if humanity is forging a path away from suffering and toward peace. And Light is the path.

History is rife with the archetype of the ‘suffering artist’, where all the angst of the times was worked out upon the canvas. And people resonated with that. They bought art and commissioned artists depicting the suffering of the times.

My path is not the path of suffering. My path and purpose is to anchor Light in the world. Light, Life, Love, Qi, Spirit, Soul, Source is all the same thing, and beauty is the expression of this Light or Life. This is a very different frequency of energy than angst and suffering. Times are changing.

In fact, we are leaving the era of suffering and entering the era of peace and grace. We need reminders of this all throughout our day. What better reminder than visual art that carries the vibration of peace and grace.

One could say that the world looks chaotic and the opposite of peaceful, and I don’t’ disagree, yet part of ‘remembering’ is that each of us are here at this point in the rising of humanity’s consciousness to remember a Higher Truth. I promise it’s there.

As long as humankind has been conscious of itself, it has been creating art to represent this self. The earliest cave paintings that we are aware of were created roughly 40,000 years ago.

What does art depicting Higher Truth look like? What does it feel like? Who are the artists creating this artwork? These are important questions to ask.

Our current era of art is called “Contemporary Art” and there are characteristics of this art. Although the most important feature of contemporary art is that there are no real defining characteristics of it, there are some common features that are shared by contemporary art as a whole. Some of these characteristics include:

  • Contemporary artists are involved in innovation with new ideas and new art forms, using anything at their disposal from video games to engineering to plastic surgery. The artists use diverse mediums.
  • Artworks are made with a concept behind them, and each artwork will have a reason beyond existing as a purely aesthetic object.

I’m a full-fledged contemporary artist. The reason for my art’s existence, beyond aesthetic, is as a conduit of Light Force, a carrier of Love which is the ultimate healer. This exists as energy, color, image, and intention in the artwork. You can read more about that here.

Even knowing how to choose a work of art according to your Higher Truth is a new thing. But it’s definitely a ‘thing’. You can learn “How to Choose Art” on my website…

I hope to see you in the studio!

The Healing Light in Art

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