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"The Soul Speaks in Image" ~ Carl Jung

"The Soul Speaks in Image" ~ Carl Jung

“The Soul Speaks in Image” ~ Carl Jung

Did you know that you have more than 70 trillion cells in your body. And inside each cell are over 70 trillion atoms. Inside every atom is an electron of Light. That’s an insane amount of Light in just you alone. In fact, the entire fabric of the Universe, every particle and wave is Light. And Light carries Love. This is Yin and Yang. The Alpha and Omega. Particle and Wave. Sun and Moon. Masculine and Feminine. We exist in a sea of light.

Yet we don’t realize it. All ‘awakening’ means is the realization that all is Light. And that this Light is for us, not against us. “The most important decision we make,” Einstein said, “is whether we believe we live in a friendly or a hostile universe.”

In case it’s hard to see the Universe as friendly because of news reports, lack of civility, and war….allow art to inform your Soul. Allow art to remind you of a Truth beyond our chaotic world. Since the Soul Speaks in Image, as Carl Jung said, you can choose to gift your Soul with images that support the yearnings of your heart. The heart yearns for beauty.

Nature, light, color, image, words, symbols, and intention are all a form of nourishment for a hungry soul. It’s as if the media is fast food, and art is whole and real food. I choose beauty daily. That’s a form of nourishment that feeds my soul. Yes, I stay apprised, but I won’t subsist on fast food. Not even close.

What feeds your soul? I invite you to consider this, even make a list and choose from it multiple times a day. Then notice what happens over time. It’s good. Add to the list and don’t stop choosing from the buffet of beauty.

I once heard that Love is the essence of Life and beauty the expression of Life. That has never left me. Just like our connection to the Source of All Life, we aim to feel that connection and energy as both universal and personal. Beauty is both universal and personal. I’m not talking about the impossible bar of beauty that unhealed cultures hold up, rather the beauty of everyday life. The beauty that is felt from the inside out, and seen from the outside in.

What is beautiful to you? Do you bring beauty into your spaces? Do you honor beauty when she shows herself to you?

One of my morning prayers is for beauty to show herself to me in all the cracks and crevices of life. And she does, then I honor this beauty with my gratitude and appreciation for the sacred honor of being a witness to that beauty. Which grows my soul. At least that’s how it feels to me.

I’d love you to join me in this sacred witnessing, soul growing venture. If you’re not sure how to start, you might just choose to see one of your favorite colors for a few days and notice how you see it more. Or if you want to cultivate specific qualities via color, you can read about that on pages 11 and 12 here: Sketchbook_ebook.pdf

In Creative Love & Beauty,

"The Soul Speaks in Image" ~ Carl Jung

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