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What is Natural Law?

What is Natural Law?

What is Natural Law?


Natural Law  ~ 12 x 12 mixed media on canvas panel ~ Click Here to View

What are the 4 types of natural law? As it goes…. Eternal Law, Natural Law, Human Law and Divine Law. Next are examples to get a sense, just one or two, certainly not the whole of each law.
Eternal Law is that which is always. In all ways. Such as the Nature of the Universe is expansion.
Natural Law are things we can be sure to be present. Such as the sun, moon, and stars. The circle of the breath. Earth and her elements.
Human Law are all the ways humankind tries to do the right thing. Even as excess laws attempt to control the behavior of others, they can fall short.
Divine Law is that which comes from the perfection of the Source of Life. All ascended masters alchemized human law by divine law, lived by these divine principles and thus, ascended into a master being of pure substance that is possible for any human being. In fact, it’s what every human being is eventually called to do.
We think we can fix the problems of the world with human law alone. Which is impossible because human laws often leave out the other laws of Life which are imperative for Higher Consciousness to express.
With human law alone there is greater suffering and a trial and error method that humankind has invented in its determination to rebel agains Divine, Natural, and Eternal Law.
Human laws represent collective human consciousness. If we wish to change the effectiveness of human laws, we must start with individual people being more whole and effective. Being more whole and effective as a human being means living in alignment with all the type of laws. Observing and aligning with nature is the easiest way to begin because nature surrounds us wherever we are. And she’s a brilliant teacher.
Have you every pondered how it is that every tree stays true to itself, whatever type or species it is. And the leaves too. They just keep unfolding as who they are without having to ‘think’ about it. Day in and day out. That’s nature following her own laws.
You and I can do that too. Which has ALL the benefits that every heart seeks…health, expression, abundance, love, wholeness.
Don’t overthink your natural self. It’s already whole and good. Just get out of its way. Which requires some duct tape over the mouth of the ever yapping mental chatter.
Then surround yourself with as much nature as you can. And listen to her. She speaks the language of beauty.

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In Creative Love & Wholeness,

What is Natural Law?

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