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Why Your Creativity is Important Now

Why Your Creativity is Important Now

Why Your Creativity is Important Now

Confusion abounds, while clarity patiently awaits your attention. We will never have clarity thru the glasses of confusion. Attention is key.

Confusion gets worked out in a creative process, at which point there is space for clarity.

Some years back I asked my Higher Self if we were running out of time to bring the world into balance. What I heard was, “There is no rush, but there is no time to waste, get creative”. I wasn’t sure what the ‘get creative’ part meant. Then one day, on a sketchbook page, it came clear.

Slow down, connect, and find your center. This is WAY more productive than frantically watching the world become more crazy. From this centered place, I’ve discovered, is everything a human being needs to make their life and the world a better place. And it was my creative journaling that taught me this.

That rushing, frenetic, anxious feeling to fix gets no where good. BUT…a conscious decision to choose NOW to do my part feels very right.

Building the muscle of creative expression by keeping a creative journal has and is, a powerful process for change. Both individually, and collectively. Did you know that every mark you make with an intention for good affects all of human consciousness for good. That’s kind of a big deal.

I’ve noticed that when I do something for more than myself, I’m more motivated. I realize that if I do the work to release a painful emotion such as ‘not good enough’ or ‘who am I to speak about this’ etc., if I’m doing it for all women, or all of humanity, it takes on a more urgent willingness. I always benefit, but there’s more dimension to doing it because it effects the whole.

The urgent willingness is not frenetic, it’s a desire to choose it now because it’s worthwhile to do so. I don’t even need to know ‘how’, I just need to say yes and stay present. That “yes” takes me to the next step of how, and then the next step, and so on. If you’ve ever noticed that in trying something new, you know it works that way, and it always leads to something good.

There is no more time to waste. Not for our individual healing or for the healing needs of the world. We need all hands on deck. You’re a good soul, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Say “yes” to your soul and it’ll show you every step. Not the whole path at once, but one step at a time. Stay present, connect to your Higher Wisdom, and for god sake CREATE 🙂

For inspiration, you can visit my Instagram Page HERE

Here’s to exchanging time wasted for time creating,

Why Your Creativity is Important Now


Laurie Morse, L.Ac. – Founder of Sacred Health Academy

Creative Guide in Sketchbook Studio – Click Here to Learn More

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