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Abundance Abounds

Abundance Abounds


Abundance Abounds ~ 12 x 12 Original on Canvas Panel ~ Mixed Media

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Have you heard of an emerging branch of research called “neuroaesthetics”? It’s a real thing.

In short, it studies the effects of beauty, including art and creativity on neuropathways or brain tracks.

I’ve long sensed that the degree to which we favor the intellect over beauty is directly proportional to how, or even if, we heal. It’s a missing piece in my humble opinion. It’s not about one or the other but rather both in harmony.


Check out this quote from the authors of the book “Your Brain on Art”…

“This is what it means to embrace the neuroaesthetic mindset…We let the outside world in through the sensory experiences of light, sound, taste, touch, and smell. Those mechanisms engage with the 100 billion neurons in our body to create neural pathways called synapses that help us learn, grow, move, think, and create all the human attributes that amplify our potential (including healing). The beauty of art is that it helps us not only create new salient experiences but that it also helps us process and connect to experiences in the past.”


They go on to say whether one creates the art or is a viewer of the art, similar brain changes occur.

Sometimes we just need a vase of flowers on the table, or to take a walk in a garden, or to let the gentle breeze that carries the warmth of the sun caress our face. The list is long, and it takes a little practice to choose from this list daily. Like gifts, we give ourselves, along with permission to be soothed by beauty.

Isn’t it odd that we have to consciously give ourselves “permission” for this? I’ll never forget my first baby steps after giving myself this permission. It began with weekly fresh flowers for the table and has expanded into so much more that it’s hard to quantify, including noticing where I don’t allow for permission to feel good so I can change it.

What I know is that every time I consciously connect with any aesthetic, I can feel the calming brain chemistry release. Experience that verifies what the research is discovering.  

Our intellect isn’t going anywhere, nor should it, but I can guarantee you that harmonizing an overactive mind with the aesthetics of life is medicine. It’s nourishment for the heart and soul. 


How do nourish your soul with beauty?


In Creative Love and Wholeness,

Abundance Abounds

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