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journey of life

The Journey of Life in Segments

If you are tuned to the notion that the purpose of your life is to expand your Heart and Soul, and your capacity to be so aligned with Love that the dreary list of fear-based 'stuff' falls away. That dreary list is all the worry, doubt, anxieties, lack, limitations, not enough time/money/vitality/connection, and so on. Then you are on your Journey of Life.

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divine dialogue

A Divine Dialogue

Knock, Knock… (Playful, but not a joke) Who’s there? The Divine. Oh, wow, hello. I’ve been knocking for a while now, hoping we can have a Divine Dialogue. Did you not hear me?

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The Art of Returning to Love

The prime directive of the Universe is a Return to Love. Each of us will return from whence we came, and I've become a huge fan of 'sooner rather than later'. Human beings like to press the 'snooze button' when they get a nudge to move toward love more fully.

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Compassion is a Key

Did you know that your Heart is a portal through which Divine Love flows? It is. I had heard about the "heart chakra" for years and while I didn't feel resistant to it, neither did I pay it the depth of attention it deserved. Until I did.

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truth about love

The Truth About LOVE

It's always interesting how one word can send people off in different directions.  Not bad or good, but definitely interesting. For example, the word 'stress' means different things to people. For one person it may mean a looming deadline, for another, it takes them down the rabbit hole of their 'to-do' list, and for another, it could mean getting out of bed.

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Your Mind is Your Friend or Foe

In my twenties, I realized that if I talked to my friends the way I talked to myself in my head, I'd have ZERO friends! That's true for just about everyone I know. Unless she's done the work of turning her mind into a friendly landscape vs. a minefield with bombs going off and monsters jumping out to attack at every turn.

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Creativity: The Portal to Health

If you are human you are creative. Even more so if you are a woman. The design of a woman's body is for creation. As a woman, your body is a divine instrument through which new life is constantly created. This means a 'baby' a small percentage of time. For some women, it may never mean a baby. Which means there's a lot of other creations happening throughout a lifetime.

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creative or productive

Are you Creative or Productive?

Are you creative or productive? Or both? I'm an 'all of the above' girl. I notice in myself and others, we are both creative and productive. As a human being, it's built into our operating system. The better question might be, "which is more developed?"  Or, "which do we default to habitually?"

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truth about creativity

The Truth About Creativity

Women tell me all the time that they aren’t creative. Or they don’t know where to start, and it feels intimidating. They’d like to get past the fear and begin to trust there is something inside of them, but they don’t even know how to begin.

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creativity is calling

Your Creativity is Calling!

Your creativity is calling! AND...she'll show you how to heal. Sounds like a call worth taking, don't let this one go to voicemail! If you're not answering because you think you're not creative, I'm going to encourage you to PICK UP THE PHONE!

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Where Do I Begin?

Where to start? There's SO much to heal. There's a pile of failures and guilt and pain and health problems and wrong choices and it feels like a pile so big, I can't breathe. Let alone figure out where to start. And I'm scared. If I pull one string out of this ball of twisted, knotted, wound up crap, it'll suffocate me and I'll die.

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empowered rise

May the Empowered Rise

May the Empowered Rise. Which is not the same as pushing with a false sense of power is it? I get it, many are still processing rage, anxiety and uncertainty over the future, and dancing with the real enemy...fear.

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