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Re: this creativity thing, how do I know?

Re: this creativity thing, how do I know?

Re: this creativity thing, how do I know?

Maybe you’ve heard of a “dark night of the Soul”?

Here is one definition: A dark night of the soul is a kind of initiation, taking you from one phase of life into another. You may have several dark nights in the course of your life because you are always becoming more of a person and entering life more fully. 

There are 3 ways to go with this dark night stuff:

  1. Go all in with patience and self compassion
  2. Resist it like heck which makes it harder
  3. Resist for so long that suffering ensues and feeling ‘stuck’ seems like the way it is

Often the analogy of the chrysalis is used for this experience because a caterpillar metamorphoses into a butterfly (freedom), but that in between (chrysalis) stage is tight, dark, and uncomfortable. A caterpillar obviously has no choice but to go all in to come out alive. A dramatic but apt example for a human.

I’ve now been through so many dark nights of the soul, I recognize them easier which means less time resisting. I was a BIG resister. It’s better now, but it took some practice. I’ve also made peace with the fact that dark nights/becoming more, are part of life. Evolving more fully is not only part of life, but the point of life. These points of ‘becoming more’ have taught me that it’s safe and I can trust the process.

Because every time I made it through, I had access to more of my wholeness. I think that’s what is meant by ‘more of a person and more fully’.

Here’s the thing, before I knew about creativity being the best tool EVER for evolving oneself, it was a slog, I was stuck a lot. It was menopause 18 years ago that forced me to consider creativity as a life boat. Literally. I had dabbled and considered myself definitely NOT creative in my thirties. But I was desperate in my forties. After trying everything else, throughout my fifties, I brought every part of my life to the creative altar to be ‘altered’ with outcomes that some would call miraculous. Now in my sixties I’m devoted to guiding others to the shores of health, expression, abundance and Love. An acronym for HEAL.

I’ve been doing this all along as a practitioner of Chinese Medicine for 31 years, but it’s gotten so much more crystallized, cohesive, creative, and potent as a form of personal medicine for anyone who wants it. Now I work with women all over the world with beautiful results.

If you’re interested in the ‘formal’ stuff you can click HERE and read more.

What I can tell you is that the blend of healing and creativity braided with my spiritual development over the decades has culminated in someone (moi), you might learn from. If you want to ‘dip your toe’ and just see what’s up in the world of Sketchbook Studio, check us out on Facebook Here, it’s a newer page and we’d love to have you if you’re into Facebook. Just so you don’t miss anything!

Shedding Creative Light for Your Soul,

Re: this creativity thing, how do I know?


Laurie Morse, L.Ac. – Founder of Sacred Health Academy

Creative Guide in Sketchbook Studio – Click Here to Learn More

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