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pain of inflammation

The Pain of Inflammation….

What is it and what are the signs? Inflammation refers to your body's process of fighting against things that harm it, such as infections, injuries, and toxins, in an attempt to heal itself. When something damages your cells, your body releases…

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A Little Bit Each Day

“Slow and Steady wins the race”, said the Turtle to the Hare. The turtle won the race because she kept working at the race. She didn't quit, even when it looked like she was far behind, even when it seemed there was no way for her…

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The Power of Inquiry (Part Two)

We’re talking about how powerful “inquiry” is. If you missed part one, you can read it here: A question is WAY more powerful than a conclusion because a question engages the field of infinite intelligence (where all the answers and…

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The Power of Inquiry (Part One)

“The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of your questions”  ~ Laurie Morse I am obsessed with “asking”.  I ask my heart questions. I ask the Universe questions. And what I’ve learned as that asking…

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spiritual healing

Choosing Life…

For years I’ve heard that human beings are born into a virtually inescapable ‘programming’. Whether it’s carried in our DNA, or we pick it up from our culture, environment, belief systems, or a combination, the programming is not easy to…

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Acu-Patches and Your Health

How the Life Wave Patches Work…. A human body emits infared heat and light. The patch technology is activated by your body heat which in turn reflects back into your body wavelengths of light and causes bio-photon modulation. What does…

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emotional energy

Healing Emotional Energy

How do you know if you have emotional energy to release in the first place? We’re designed to “flow” emotional energy rather than “gather”, “store”, or “hold on” to it.  I ask you to read the following by including your…

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