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heart health month

For Heart Health Month 2020…

I’m loving the perspective of 20/20 vision in 2020, it couldn’t be more timely in my view. February is Heart Health and Heart Awareness month.  What exactly does that mean? Well, it’s WAY more than Valentine’s Day that’s for sure.…

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30 Day Heart Health Challenge ~ Gratitude

  First let’s define Heart Health. Heart Health is.. A strong and rhythmic heart muscle able to pump blood efficiently throughout your entire body (i.e. good circulation). Unimpeded flow of blood throughout the entire network of blood vessels. Soft vessels…

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Wasting or Thriving, It Matters…

Have you ever invested in a healer or coach and feel like they didn’t help you?  This was a question asked in a group recently. Here’s one person’s response… “I’ve had experiences that started out feeling like I wasn’t getting…

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The Lotus Flower and You

Oh how I love the beauty of a Lotus flower. We have, in San Diego's Balboa Park, a long rectangular pond that has lily pads and Lotus flowers so serene and beautiful, it's breathtaking.  If you'll indulge me, I'll offer my…

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Bliss. Beauty. Bounty.

I used to think 'bliss' was unattainable beyond fleeting moments that usually involved chocolate. But as I've cultivated my relationship with the Creative Life Force (which is the same thing as Spirit, Source, Qi, Universe etc.) and literally feel her move through me during creative healing processes, I've come to know bliss beyond chocolate.
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journey of life

The Journey of Life in Segments

If you are tuned to the notion that the purpose of your life is to expand your Heart and Soul, and your capacity to be so aligned with Love that the dreary list of fear-based 'stuff' falls away. That dreary list is all the worry, doubt, anxieties, lack, limitations, not enough time/money/vitality/connection, and so on. Then you are on your Journey of Life.
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