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Happiness is an experience many of us would like to have on the regular. Plenty of books have been written about the how’s and why’s. I have found personally, that unless I’m connected to the source or force of Life (aka Life Force), happiness is elusive. 

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Work in Progress - Light


Light. It’s everything. Yet we don’t learn or talk about it. I’m devoted to changing the conversation to include Light. Because it’s everything. Did I mention that already? Why does it matter? If we acknowledge (and science does) that every particle and wave of Life is Light, then that means we are made of that same substance of Light. 

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Spring Cleaning

One of the most natural things to do in Spring is a cleanse. If we've been together for years, you know I suggest this every year. We clean the inside of our cars, homes, refrigerators, and yet many people have…

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One is All

One is All

We got into an old red pickup truck each with an ice cream cone. It was the middle of summer in Guadalajara Mexico and this was our best way of cooling off. As I was slipping into the passenger seat, I looked up at Gene and he said, “Don’t you want to know the Truth?”

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Nature and Life

Nature and Life

I remember when I felt utterly lost in life and didn’t even know there was such a thing as a Tree of Life, let alone that my mind, body, and soul were all part of it. I was staring out the window at the creek in my backyard, I lived at a Bed & Breakfast at the time and the grounds were like Monet’s garden, they were so beautiful. Yet, I was struggling mightily with depression and overwhelm, everything seemed very hard and as I looked out this window, I remember thinking, “I just want to go home, this is too much.” “Home” to me meant back where it was warm and cozy, the great beyond, the heart of Source, basically I thought if I were dead, it wouldn’t be hard anymore. 

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Cup of Tea

Cup of Tea

ears ago I read a good entitled “The Book of Tea” by Okakura Kakuzo. The author lived from 1862 - 1913 in Tokoyo, Japan. He was quite philosophical and passionate about the arts, traveling extensively to teach and promote his convictions. He was also dedicated to bringing the Eastern and Western worlds closer. He found a way to express his ideas through his book published in 1956.

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Budding Mandala

Budding Mandala

I spent years limping along with all my attention on my humanity to the exclusion of my Divinity until I finally got that it’s both/and, not either/or.I often hear people say, something along the lines of, “Well, I’m only human.”  But the thing is, we’re not only human. We’re both human and Sacred. There would be no human without the Source (or Force if you’re a Trekkie) of LIfe.

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