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Last but not least... Harvard's #3 Creativity Component is "Motivation"

Last but not least… Harvard’s #3 Creativity Component is “Motivation”

The enthusiasm or willingness to do something, and the reasons one has for doing it. That's 'motivation'. It's different for everyone. One person might be motivated to be creative for the stress relief. Another because it helps them work through things and grow better than therapy. Yet another is motivated because there's no safer, more private place to cultivate their spiritual connection.
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be more creative

10 Ways to Be More Creative

I find it utterly true that when I need to figure or work something out, the best place to do that is on a visual journal page. It is literally creativity teaching me about Life, offering solutions and inspiring me to be a better person, even when I feel like I can't possibly. The outcome doesn't matter, it's what happens in the process that is the gold.
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